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Learn Herb Gardening Skills


Want to learn more about growing herbs, from planting to herbs’ health benefits? Evan Marks from the Ecology Center will be sharing his knowledge about herb gardens Saturday from 1 to 3 p.m. at the Center for Living Peace. in Irvine. In this workshop, you’ll learn herb characteristics, growing techniques, how to make herbs thrive, as well as basics on preparing teas, tinctures and oils used in herbal healing. All ages and levels of garden skill are welcome.

Cost is $12 minimum per person. All funds collected support The Ecology Center in San Juan Capistrano. To register visit here

Center for Living Peace is at 4139 Campus Drive (in the University Center shopping complex between Focus Dance Studio and Lee's Sandwiches) in Irvine.



Take a Hike


OC Parks is also offering a hike Sunday from 8 to 11 a.m. on informative edible and useful plants. You can find out how early pioneers used local plants, and how scientists are finding potentially valuable medicines in our backyard. The 2-mile hike covers a moderate, but steep uneven trail led by Laguna Canyon Foundation Volunteer Naturalist, Karin Klein (author of 50 Hikes in Orange County). At Laguna Coast Wilderness Park, 18751 Laguna Canyon Road in Laguna Beach.

Cost is $2 donation per person. Parking costs $3 per vehicle. Reservations required, sign-up online here.

 949.923.2235 or 949. 923.3702.

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